Everyone Knows They Need to do Something...
But what, when, and who can help answer those questions.

Everyone knows they need to do something, but what "something" do you need, what should you consider, and who should you talk to about your needs. Your situation is based on where you are in your life, as well as your family and asset situation.
And , it is far more unique  than you may realize.

Here are different Planning Stages that require different planning considerations. 

Here are different Planning Stages that require different planning considerations 

Young Adults 

When a person turns 18, his/her medical, financial, and educational information becomes- legally- exclusively his/her own. Parents do not have automatic access to that information. This can be problematic for both.

Young Families 

When we have our first child, something clicks in our minds that we need to do something to care of our children, in case something happens to us. Questions about guardianship and how to protect assets for our children's care are not easy to understand. 

The Sandwich Generation 

Many people find themselves raising their kids and needing to care for aging parents. It is not only stressful, it requires planning to be able to work through this process. 

Getting Older

It is essential to have clear decision-making documents in place and clear understanding of assets as health declines and care needs to increase.


What exactly Medicaid does, when does Medicaid come into play, and how does a person “get” Medicaid is what causes a great deal of confusion and concern for those seeking nursing home care.

Special Needs Considerations

Some family situations require specific planning to establish care/support and hold manage assets to assist a child/adult who needs help due to a disabling condition.

Your Plan Need is a unique-to-you situation.
Your age, your children’s ages, parents’ ages, things you own, and many other things combine to determine options
 to address your solution.
To access to the free information for any of these subjects, enter your name and email address.
There is no obligation.
Our hope is the information allows you to better understand how to get "something" done for your family.

The information provided is for educational purposes only. It should not be deemed as stand-alone, legal advice.
There may be elements and concepts which could be used in planning.However, such determination would need to be discussed with an attorney to see how it may or may not apply to your specific situation.